The testing of software versions TinREAD and SIBIMOL

The testing of software versions TinREAD, SIBIMOL: 3.0.0; 3.0.1; 3.0.2, 3.1.0. The elucidation of the program deficiencies, and the development of proposals on software improvement.

Setting the goals, conditions and requirements of the integration of the National Book Chamber of Moldova into SIBIMOL

Setting the goals, conditions and requirements of the integration of the National Book Chamber of Moldova into SIBIMOL.

The implementation of the Business Program of the SIBIMOL Coordinating Council

To monitor the fulfilment of the contract conditions concluded with the participating libraries. To undertake lobbying activities in order to provide technical and infrastructural endowment of the participating libraries for their effective participation in the scheme. To develop the schedule of the integration into SIBIMOL. To monitor the schedule compliance and the performance of the contracts concluded with the participating libraries on the integration into SIBIMOL. To analyse operatively the daily situation on the system implementation, to develop and undertake appropriate measures to aid this process. To control the starting and operation of the information flow within the system. To review the integration conditions into the SIBIMOL of the participating libraries according to the schedule prepared by IMESOFT Moldova in order to improve the integration process.

The formation within the framework of the BNRM of organizational and coordinating structures for the implementation, development and operation of SIBIMOL

Centre of Bibliographic Coordination. Centre of Logistic, Technological and Methodological Support.

Web page launching

The event will take place at the SIBIMOL project launching

SIBIMOL launching

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Moldova National Library of Republic of Moldova Information Management & Engeneering Romania Tuesday, September 2, 2008, at 3.00 p.m., Conference hall NLRM 31 August 1989 str., 78 A On the occasion of SIC, the 17th edition, National Library of the Republic of Moldova, organizes the Launching of the Integrated Information System of Moldova’s Libraries, SIBIMOL It would be an honour if you will participate at this event In the programme: Welcoming speech: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RM Opening speech: Alexe Rău, General Director of NLRM, Project Director Presentation of the System: Dan Marinescu, General Director, SC IMESOFT RomaniaPresentation of web page SIBIMOL

Launching of the system SIBIMOL

 On September 2, 2008 at the National Library will take place the launching of the system SIBIMOL


 SIBIMOL means Integrated Information System of Moldova’s Libraries. The author and director of the project is Alexei Rău, General Director of the National Library. Contribution to achievement – Andrei Suşcov,  Alla Panici, Liviu Rău, Valentina Chitoroagă, General Director of CNC.

 SIBIMOL is one of the most important strategic projects in the culture and librarianship of Moldova. Its implementation will involve a radical change as regards the access of population to knowledge and information. It will mark the start of an outstanding and qualitatively new period in the development of the library system, democracy, and culture and community civilization in our republic.


The testing of the final versions of the SIBIMOL

The testing of the final versions of the SIBIMOL soft, including the Cataloguing module and as a result of this activity the presentation of the proposals on the soft improvement.

Professional training of the specialists from the libraries which participate in the SIBIMOL project. The organization of a series of seminars for the Group of linguistic ensuring on the utilization of SIBIMOL system, TinREAD soft and the study of the application of the UNIMARC format: Generalities. TinREAD, SIBIMOL, UNIMARC. Monograph description. Multilevel bibliographic description. Description of component parts. Analytic description. Authorities

The creation of the NLRM commission for the assessment and acceptance of the SIBIMOL soft and the works on its implementation.

The organization of the common meeting with the NLRM, IME Romania, and IMESOFT SRL Moldova in order to assign the objectives of finalization of the SIBIMOL project implementation.

The realization of a comparative analysis of the SIBIMOL technical specifications and of the SIBIMOL soft in order to find out the program options which were not elaborated and which were to be integrated into the soft in the period of the finalization of the project implementation.

The elaboration of report samples necessary for the system functioning in accordance with point 9.1 in the technical specifications.

SIBIMOL launching (September 2, 2008)
On the occasion of SIC, the 17th edition, National Library of the Republic of Moldova, organizes the Launching of the Integrated Information System of Moldova’s Libraries, SIBIMOL
In the programme:
- Welcoming speech: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RM
- Opening speech: Alexe Rău, General Director of NLRM, Project Director
- Presentation of the System: Dan Marinescu, General Director, SC IMESOFT Romania
- Presentation of web page SIBIMOL

The conclusion of the contract between the National Library and IMF Romania

The conclusion of the contract between the National Library and IMF Romania on the creation of the FRBR module for the SIBIMOL soft.

The professional training in Bucharest of the chief of he Centre of Bibliographic Coordination Alla Panici, organized by the France National Library and the National Library of Romania during which it was studied the possibility and methodology of bibliographic resources indexing using RAMEAU (the subject indexing system of bibliographic documents).

Methodological assistance for the participant libraries in the SIBIMOL project as concerns the creation of authority card indexes/files utilizing the advanced experience of the centers responsible for the authority notes creation from other countries (RAMEAU, BnF, Library of Congress Authorities, and others)

The creation of the concept Library Information Space of Moldova, with the contribution of specialists from the Ministry of Information Development, which was included in the general concept of the Cultural Information Space of Moldova.

The creation of the White Book of the Integrated Information System of Moldova’s Libraries.

The creation and testing of the first modules of the SIBIMOL

The creation and testing of the first modules of the SIBIMOL soft.

The presentation of the soft test version for the republican libraries and for the experts of the Soros-Moldova Foundation.

The installation of the test version of the SIBIMOL soft on the server of the National Library.

SIBIMOL soft testing by the experts from the project participant libraries.

The sequestration of the SIBIMOL soft package registered on DVD at the airport customs by reason that customs tax on goods import into the Republic of Moldova had to be paid.

July 2006 – October 2006 – negotiation between the National Library and the Airport customs bureau.

November 2006 – negotiations with the Deputy Director of the Government body on the comprising of the SIBIMOL project into the list of the projects exempted from customs taxes, and the legal receiving of the soft from Romania.

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