The creation and testing of the first modules of the SIBIMOL
- Created on Sunday, 12 March 2006 22:37
The presentation of the soft test version for the republican libraries and for the experts of the Soros-Moldova Foundation.
The installation of the test version of the SIBIMOL soft on the server of the National Library.
SIBIMOL soft testing by the experts from the project participant libraries.
The sequestration of the SIBIMOL soft package registered on DVD at the airport customs by reason that customs tax on goods import into the Republic of Moldova had to be paid.
July 2006 – October 2006 – negotiation between the National Library and the Airport customs bureau.
November 2006 – negotiations with the Deputy Director of the Government body on the comprising of the SIBIMOL project into the list of the projects exempted from customs taxes, and the legal receiving of the soft from Romania.