SIBIMOL will provide, through its portal, the access of the users of Moldova to the collective catalogues, databases and electronic resources of the world countries, as well as the access of all world countries to the National Collective Shared Catalogue (NCSC) and other electronic resources of Moldova’s libraries. In this way contributing to the creation of a new image of our republic which will be an essential factor in its technical, scientific and social- cultural progress. 
SIBIMOL will integrate the information libraries of Moldova into a national network via Internet. The basic integration part of the system will be the National Collective Shared Catalogue which will reflect the collections and databases of all Moldova’s libraries that will be accessible in every locality: in libraries and at home. Every inhabitant in every town or village will be able to search via Internet the publications he or she needs, and then order them through the automated module of the interlibrary loan. At the second stage of the project implementation the reader will be able to order in the locality library, or from his/her home PC, full texts of articles, chapters or pages from books, images, photos, sound recordings etc., from the Virtual Library of Moldova which will be one of the component parts of the system.

Launching of the system SIBIMOL

 On September 2, 2008 at the National Library will take place the launching of the system SIBIMOL


 SIBIMOL means Integrated Information System of Moldova’s Libraries. The author and director of the project is Alexei Rău, General Director of the National Library. Contribution to achievement – Andrei Suşcov,  Alla Panici, Liviu Rău, Valentina Chitoroagă, General Director of CNC.

 SIBIMOL is one of the most important strategic projects in the culture and librarianship of Moldova. Its implementation will involve a radical change as regards the access of population to knowledge and information. It will mark the start of an outstanding and qualitatively new period in the development of the library system, democracy, and culture and community civilization in our republic.


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